Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Following up on my completely rational response to Rational Software's general crappiness, I give all the future developers the tools to make themselves inexpendable, and make my life rather interesting.

I think we should realize that baseball's upcoming negotiations won't result in a good deal for anyone, least of all, those of us who remain fans. A triple threat of articles that tell me that you'll have more than three parties in the negotiations: The players, the owners, and the owners who can afford a strike. To these three, add a fourth, Chairman Bud, desperately trying to hold on to anything that will keep baseball's anti-trust exemption in place, and costs low. (Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Exhibit C) Enjoy it while it lasts folks, when the big one hits, it's going to be long, ugly, and toxic.

But I liked Sheriff Lobo!
The "50 Worst" series in television history. As much fun as this is to discuss (and expect a full slate of the ones mentioned here to show up at a trash tournament near you. Writers and players take note) I kind of long for the day when TV Guide wasn't doing the magazine equivalent of stunt casting. At this point I think the magazine's down to a cycle in waltz time: 50x (superlative) Television (clip/commercial/moment/series/episode), "COLLECT ALL THE COVERS", Sci-Fi, and repeat.
And for those of you playing at home: I've seen 25 of these, and I had never heard of #20 and #23. Off to research them.

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