Monday, July 29, 2002

A double barreled shotgun of "did I hear that right?"
Within five minutes of each other on the TV just now. A dating phone line citing that one of their example stooges enjoys "romantic walks to the convenience store." and the opening of a women's pool match where the challenger is referred to as "THE DUCHESS of DOOOOOMMMM!!!" Somehow I always thought of Doom not as a land area but as merely a descriptor of buildings and objects. You can have the Realm of Darkness, Planet of Evil, Subdivision of the Damned, but Doom, that's for temples, not ducal holdings. I'll shut up now.
[Opens it up later]
Well, maybe I won't shut up. Am I the only person out there who, when he sees that clip of Saddam Hussein firing off a shotgun from the balcony, has the uncontrollable urge to scream in a cranky old man voice: "Hey, you kids! Get OUTTA MY YARD!" Yeah, just me. Okay.

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