Wednesday, August 07, 2002

The Couch potato report.

But first, this news break:Whoa.

I always suspected they were doing this to me At this point, size and caffeine are total jokes. Next time you're looking at a 16-ounce bottle of iced tea or something, check the RDA label, yes they do intend that to be two servings. And then remember that we used to see 16-ounce bottles of pop, standard.

Perhaps I'm getting predictable I wrote a question about Monk for the Burns, but I was kind of surprised to hear that people were guessing that I would write a question about it. I'm kind of ambivalent about the show, it's all right, and kind of right up my alley, and it's good to see Kevin Inch listed on a program, I hadn't seen him listed since Remington Steele. The problem I have is I keep comparing it to a similar series that I saw a couple years back on BBC America. I liked it better because it was much more of a puzzle and I had a much bigger sense of amazement when watching.

Relive your childhood, or just gawk at the bad ideas for series. (as part of their 50 Greatest Lists of 50 Greatest Lists) TV Guide's listings of Saturday morning lineups since the 1950's. But, man, were some of these not good ideas.

She's back LaPlaca 2002-03, Get your entry in now.

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