Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Tom and Hayden (but oddly enough, not Tom Hayden) pointed out that NBC wants to do an update of V. I'm ambivalent, one of the lower-tier film channels runs V on occasion, and frankly, it's not quite bad enough to be good cheesy fun. It just plays like a TV movie, and kinda lays there. The one thing this does prove is given that Ted Turner is now out of the loop at TBS, we will know exactly how long the revenue stream from Ted's favorite film will last someone.

UPDATE: Re: my comment on the drug war and cheese: It appears that there's smuggling at work here. Call in Popeye Doyle.

This is excellent advice to all of us who had that gut feeling that making the All-Star Game mean something was a bad idea, but simply couldn't place how it was bad.

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