Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Yesterday was interesting, I still don't know whether we had a snow emergency at work. I tried calling in at about 8:30 to see if we had been called off. No answer. Same deal with email. I then tried to pull my car out of the snowbank. After about an hour of trying to get the snow clear of the car, I simply went back up and bagged it. Lacking a shovel at the apartment finally caught up with me. So I came back up, made breakfast, and laid down. Bad move. When I got up again, it was 6pm. The irony of this is, coming in today, no one commented on me being out, no one emailed, and no one really even mentioned the storm. On one hand, it could be that I'm not alone, and no one got in, or it could be that no one wanted to talk about it, and really, I'm not essential enough to be noticed if I go missing. Ah, it's paranoia like that that keeps me sharp... or something.

And now a comedy bit only for people who name their teams funny: Read this article carefully, then read the footnote below.

Comedy for those who enjoyed the history of French Warfare, the Times of London includes in this article one of those things you always wanted to know: How exactly would one say "cheese-eating surrender monkeys" in French?

**You don't suppose they'll replace him with some guy who looks just like Colin Ferguson?

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