Monday, January 27, 2003

The Loot, The Warrant, SHA-NI-A-TWAIN!!

Wow, for the second year in a row the Super Bowl was better than its trimmings. Only one incredibly good commercial (the horses in a coaches' challenge). And possibly the weirdest halftime in quite a while. To wit:
1. First Shania Twain appears in an outfit that tells us she's turned supervillainess from Lara Flynn Boyle's planet in MIB II, sings her song, then is lifted out of the stadium in her mock futuristic crane. Obviously she is going off to her lair. What bothered me was that she never seemed to come back. And then, in the 3rd quarter, when they use a shot where it looks like the Super Bowl logo is being taken away by a helicopter, I suddenly think she's become Carmen Sandiego.... Wait, that works...
2. No Doubt comes on, and they are apparently joined by the cheerleaders from the Smells Like Teen Spirit video.
3. Sting comes on, apparently forgetting his costume and forced to stitch together two mismatched T-shirts.

Two ads deserve special stupidity awards. The Levi's ad where the couple is being chased by bison. I came up with a much better slogan that what they used. Levi's. Accept your doom. Second, the ONDCP ad. I'd just like to say that when I saw the woman putting down the pregnancy test, I yelled out to the group I was with. "Remember, if you get pregnant, you're supporting the terrorists." I WAS JOKING, I was not expecting that to be the actual message, I thought it was going to be one of those financial planning ads. But no, the people who haven't mastered the logical concept of "if A then B, given C..." strike again, producing a hamhanded warning. When I can mock something unintentionally, but perfectly, you've got to reconsider what you're doing.

And finally, this is the second time I've seen it. WHY are we letting Canadian Celine Dion sing God Bless America?!?!?! Now more than ever, I am convinced that much like the nuclear gap in the Cold War, America is suffering from a Diva Gap. Not only do we have to import from Canada, but that bastard Simon is ensuring that all the ones America produces, will be produced by him. Our current fleet of divas are all in detox, and we're letting the Canadian divas steal our precious bodily logos. Mr. President, we must bomb Canada.

Sorry, had to vent.

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