Friday, January 30, 2004

"What do you mean which quadruplets?"

Great story out of my hometown as a guy attempts to defraud the government into benefits for 10 children. The absolutely beautiful part is him claiming ten kids in twins and two sets of quadruplets. According to this, it looks like the guy was trying to claim 1 in 729,000 squared, and that's not even counting the twins.

Defense excuse:
"Novara told the jury that anyone claiming to have two sets of quadruplets within 10 months lacked the capacity to orchestrate the scam. " Well, cojones are not really measured in capacity, rather they go by size, but I'm sure that's just a semantic thing.

In other news, the synchronicity of soup and mathematics. Story 1 Story 2
The former I find a little perverse, but I can understand where that doesn't belong at a piping company, unless they're piping the soup. The latter just utterly baffles me, how that could get in the system in the first place.

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