Friday, October 11, 2002

Okay, the word from Hungary is: Who is this guy? I have a feeling this guy's going to end up being Elias Canetti II:Electric Boogaloo

Meanwhile, Big Jimmy is down with NPP. Rock on. Craig noted he is our best ex-President, which is true, though TR gives him a good run. Hopefully this balances out every time I have to explain the Peter Principle and I use him as an example.

I don't even know what this means, but Wednesday night I got drivethru at the Burger King before CMU practice, and I've begun working my way through the talking value menu. At one point while driving I came up with the following thought: "How in God's name can any item that has ketchup on it be this hot?" The mix was definitely off, or something, but I think I got straight heating compound in one section of the taco, while seeing where they had whiffed and spilled ketchup from the other half of my order. Either that or BK just blew past Taco Bell and Black Jack Pershing on the "egregiously Caucasian abuse of Mexico" scale.

On Thursday, I killed a few minutes in a bookstore, and made the disquieting discovery that they're making SparkNotes for the Harry Potter books... Nothing to add here, I think that speaks for itself.

Oh and if isn't going to do it, I will.
Teresa Edwards (10/10)
Looks like they finally got her.

Day 19.
19B. Historical Atlas of the 20th century
19C. SparkNotes (though most of the site is blocked by registration, what's there is still useable)
19D. Virtual Museum of Computing
19E. Wikipedia

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