Thursday, September 27, 2007

S'Anyway... I've started to get worried that I wasn't keeping up on this, and I didn't really want to hang an empty month on this. My good opportunity for comment, the family reunion in August, was neither so horrific to inspire good prose, nor so pleasant a surprise to earn note. There was a possible comment about me expecting the collapse of the LOLcats meme, mostly due to the oppressive nature of the Impact font, when taken repeatedly, but I don't think it's quite dead yet. So I was wondering, with issues of month end like "I need to remember to pay my bills." pressing, would I find anything interesting to write to prevent a break in the chain? Well, if nothing else, FraughtWatch delivers. Yes, this is the same Willie Williams, I had lost track of him, figuring he had been lost in the morass of the U's recent record. But no, he was in your Louisville, eating your weed.


WestBerkeleyFlats said...

Why does the mind-numbingly stupid Dwight Kidder continue to prey on young people?

WestBerkeleyFlats said...

What is like for Dwight, who was always viewed as stupid and egotistical, to go around and obsessively promote an organization that condones corruption and bigotry? We know that Dwight is incredibly stupid and arrogant, and yet he continues to do horrible things. Even someone as dumb as he must realize that he is incapable of incompetent decision making.

WestBerkeleyFlats said...

Yep, it's that same Dwight Kidder who preys on child. Dwight, we all know that you're mind-numbingly stupid, but coudn't your father stop you from preying on children? It must be so horrific for him to watch you continually doing horrible things due to your colossal stupidity and self-absorption. I just hope that child predators such as yourself are never allowed to interact in minors in any form whatsoever.

WestBerkeleyFlats said...

You have stopped interacting with children, right Dwight? We all know that child predators such as yourself are never fully rehabilitated and must always be forcibly kept away from young people.