Friday, August 18, 2006

Folks have emailed, so why haven't you made any comment about the patron saint of FraughtWatch, Maurice Clarett. Well, frankly, I'm still processing this. The immense majesty of getting caught with guns, a hatchet, Grey Goose vodka, and a lint roller (the four items that the reports of the stop always mention, as well as an excellent set of team names should we send four teams anywhere. Especially after I discovered "Providence Lintrollers" is 21 characters, too long for Yahoo fantasy team names), is just so extraordinary, and now the reasons for carrying guns and a hatchet, fearing for his life because he sold some guy 60% of his rookie contract for favors, only to see that contract have zero value... well, it's just mindboggling. I'm half afraid to look in the direction of Ohio for fear that I'd be struck blind by the intensity of the fraught field being generated.

On January 2, I wrote:
We may have to open up another level of FraughtWatch, because Maurice Clarett is utterly shattering the parameters by which we judge this. Our latest:
robbery. Seriously, at this point, he's reached his limit, the only thing I can see that can top this is escaping the country to Paraguay and then being found attempting to cheat centenarian Nazi collaborators out of their canasta winnings. And of course it would fail as a bystander would recognize him.

This is still possible for him, now that he's connected and apparently indebted to the Israeli Mafia, they might just send him down there to do it.

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